"Geplande escalatie"
“Geplande escalatie”
I am 32 years old, so my student days are somewhat behind me. The nights of partying in the city, crawling home from the pub, singing on the bar, are no match for the hangover the next day. The level of escalation is quite low in this stage of life. But we do miss it 😉 drinking too many wines, smoking cigarettes, and then spontaneously going into the city. Before corona, this was a weekly thing, but after Corona it somehow stopped… And like me, many of my friends had the same. We do talk about it; ‘remember those times when we should have gone to the city center rigth now to have more drinks and dance?’
Not that long ago, one of my friends came up with the idea of planning an escalation night, an escalation just as we did back in the days. A brilliant idea, everyone agreed! “Planned escalation,” I find that so fitting for the stage of life I’m in. And that’s the inspiration for this diptych. Bright colors, but neatly aligned.
Afmetingen: 2x 50x70cm
Kosten: €615-
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